Here is a collection of my works that I have done for The Quest Atlanta Catholic Radio. This is a local radio station that I've had the joy of volunteering with since March 2024. As the lead Graphic Designer, it has been my job to create a variety of different promotional and print material for the Quest. Along with that, I have made various posts for the social media including photos and videos.

Brochure Design for a sponsor campaign. The goal is to draw in donors for a Hispanic Radio Station that would be affiliated with the Quest.

A compilation of some of my motion graphics work for the Quest Atlanta's social media pages.

Promotional photo composite for the Pledge Drive for the Quest Atlanta's website banner.

"Spiritual Bouquet Booklet" Cover and Inside designs. Given out to Seminarians participating in the Quest's Cornhole Tournament.

Promotional graphic for "The Morning Quest" show for the Quest Atlanta.

 Graphic composition and logo designed by Madison Boyd. Photography by Kathleen Gibbs.

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